
Think, Learn and Play in a Computational Thinking Way


The objectives for this project are to embark on a grassroots approach to the integration of Computational Thinking (CT) across the three partner European countries. The aim is to develop an unplugged board game that not only entertains but also instills crucial CT competencies in students as they enthusiastically collaborate and play. Another aim is to integrate the use of this board game in the very early stages of schooling, as we believe that this will help pave the way to a continued and improved integration of CT throughout the primary school years, and beyond. This is a process which is necessary in order to be able to truly work towards equipping our future generation of students with the skills and competencies required to survive and progress in our modern societies. 

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website and the factsheets reflect the views of the author only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.